Thursday, September 10, 2009

E Writing!!

Anyone who works in front of a computer screen all day will appreciate the importance of easy writing on the computer screen.

But why is it important and what processes are needed?

First of all the style of writing needs to change significantly from traditional methods, namely print. The formality in which a newsprint story is written alsmost garuntees a headache when reading it on a screen.

This means content really must adhere to the inverted pyramid rule-most important first, and crap later. This ensures for the most part info is kept to the bare minimum, with any aditional info being provided by liks, pictures or other fancy new age shinanigans.

Again, style must change to become more conversational, a website quoting facts and utlises a thesaurus at every possible opportunity will put readers off very quickly.

Style must engage the reader, providing incentive for reading on and not begging them to press the back button.

As mentioned before length is important in maintaining the attention span of your modern day internet guru. News websites use staff to adapt articles for the internet, as they realise that short and sweet is the best motto when it comes to e-writing.

If there is anything I have learned from my advanced utilistaion class, (meaning I can say this with authoriy) is that when it comes to the internet, everything you must say needs to grab the reader, if it doesn't, get rid of it because it wont get read.

Count your chickens before they hatch, once they get out they move spasmadically and they're harder to count.


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