Yeah thats right this is a replica of my baby.
This 1500cc carburettor machine burns tarmac like the best of them, many a 2l corona and avanir have fallen pray to the close ratio gearbox, 50:50 weight distribution and front engine mount stuck to a standard piece of crap flywheel pushing the full 100hp to the ground through the front wheels.
As amazing as this machine is, heading up to the 100km mark in around 11 seconds isn't so exciting.
Thats where the search for a new car comes in.
Throughout the weeks i have noticed the negative attitudes of people concerning this ancient and sacred task.
'don't you already have a car', 'whats wrong the car you have' are frequent statements that scream ignorance, and my personall favourite 'a car is just a car' just begs to be whacked upside the head.
There is so much to consider going for a new car from initial cost, speed, looks and reliability etc.
Do you sacrifice jaw propping ball-tearing speed for a rigid drive with speed bumps feeling like craters or keep it slow and cruisy?
Do you go for revvy or torquey? A vtec, a turbocharged vehicle or perhaps a fine tuned v6?
So many options requires a lot of though and alot of research, but anybody who deduces there are no differences in a car, as they all get you from A to B deserves to walk.
After all,it still gets you from A to B, just without the gut-wrenching, ass-gripping, butt-hole-clenching, spine-tingling, eye-popping style of a decent car

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