Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Convergence Media Rules.

Why? because it replaces every aspect of traditional media and manages to squeeze them altogether for ease of use.

But is it actually easier? will it ever replace traditional media?

There are apparrently several forms of convergence media, the mixing of several functions into one.

This includes such things as cellphones, pda's, wireless laptops and the like. They offer many different functions and capabilities that the modern day chumpete finds nescessary.

However this blog is going to examine the use of convergenece media wehen it comes to websites. Massive multi national organisations such as APN and REUTERS utilise every form of technological coolness on their website.

This includes podcasts, videos, audio cuts, pictures and good old fashioned text.

Even most local newspaper websites are now starting to tap into the online market by providing different ways for readers to experience the news.

With the worlds changing technological demands, most large businesses are required by common sense to utilise the internet, because it holds such large market.

With the loss of revenue generated by the loss of newspapers, perhaps these organisations can utilise the internet to regain that revenue, as the market held by their uber websites holds a market that their declining hardcopy sales indicates otherwise.

Despite this large amount of convergance media shizzizzleness nothing will replace the crackling of the A3 size broadsheet on the Sunday morning with your coffee.

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